Branding Session with Stronger Together

Pam Nease with Stronger Together partnered with Hammer’s & Heels, a local Kelowna t-shirt printer to raise $ for Stronger Together. And, Aviva Studios was there to capture their all-important branding photos.

The adorable sweatshirts cost around $50 with proceeds going towards supporting postpartum depression. They have sizes for both adults and kids which is super fun. Don’t we all love naps!

When everyone arrived there was a buzz in the studio with lots of toddlers, babies and their parents. The kids began playing with the toys Liz has stashed in her studio and wandering all around the studio, while the parents were busy keeping them entertained and engaged while on camera.

At one point, everyone was crowded around behind the camera to keep out of the way, as Liz took the shots. And, Liz even had one little girl come and sit on her lap at one point while she was clicking the camera but this didn’t seem to phase her and she didn’t even miss a beat. Really cute!

Towards the end we brought out, the ultimate distraction, Miss Sophie, to get the kids to smile as one of the little guys was camera shy and a bit upset.

There was lots of energy and great smiles. Overall, it was a successful photo shoot. Here’s a first look at some of the shots taken.

To find out more about Stronger Together, visit Pam’s website at or Hammer’s & Heels, Kelowna