I’ve always said, as we watch our children grow – every age is so amazing and it just gets better and better. It’s such a blessing to be able to watch our children grow and change and every stage they go through is worth photographing in my opinion. That is why I always encourage parents to not wait to have photos taken of your child. You will never regret having photos taken – we only regret not having them to look back on.
Whether it’s on location or in the studio I love photographing children. If your child is very active and loves to run around – this is a great time to get outside and do a session in the park or on the trails. If your little one is still quite small and not moving around too much then this is a great time for a session in the studio. Whatever the stage – it’s always a great time for a photo shoot! During your pre consultation we can chat about what your child(ren) enjoy and come up with some ideas to really show who they are as individuals.