Fun Family Photo Shoot Ideas

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Looking for inspiration for your next family photo shoot? Here are some great suggestions to get your creative juices flowing…


Let kids be kids

Photo shoots can be a great time for play. Posed photos are boring and can be frustrating for kids. It’s important to let kids be kids. This energy and interaction with each other creates memories that are captured by the lens. But you need to set up boundaries so that the play doesn’t become unmanageable chaos.


Maternity Portrait of a couple wearing a pink dress and grey shirt walking together down an Okanagan vineyard row with houses

Consider your backdrop & sightlines

When setting up your photo, don’t forget to look around you. Look in the distance for unsightly buildings or traffic. It could be a simple adjustment of your position that is all that is needed to take a better shot.


Be casual

We live in a casual world and your photos should reflect that. Gone are the days when people need to hold a pin-straight position in order to take a photo. If you are relaxed in front of the camera, the lens will pick up your ease for a more natural shot.


Young girl with blond pig-tails wearing a green dress playing with an orange toy sitting on a stool infant of white brick

Bring a prop

Sometimes adding props can add extra interest to your photos. Be thoughtful about the props you choose. They should be relevant to the people in your photo to an added connection. If a prop is meant to be a focal point of your photo, outfits should be muted in color so that they don’t compete for attention.


family of 4 wearing white pants, girls wearing coral shirts, sitting on a dock by the lake and mountains

Matching outfits

It is not necessary to match all of your outfits. However, colour coordinating should be considered. You don’t want colours that clash in your photo. Think about a basic colour scheme and have everyone dress accordingly. For instance, everyone wearing jeans and white t-shirts makes for a very nice, basic photo shoot. Or how about this one where everyone is wearing white pants.


Maternity Portrait of a family wearing red, blue and yellow walking down a Okanagan vineyard row with string lights

In a setting that is loved & familiar to your family

Choose a setting that has meaning for your family. A bedroom, family room, front porch, deck, a park you visit often, beach, etc… the setting chosen can add that extra connection and special memory to your photograph.


Doing a family activity

Treat your photo shoot like a playdate where you choose an activity that everyone enjoys. Not only does this add props to your photos but it also builds memories as you participate in that activity. Try holiday decorating, baking, playing a sport, playing a board game, horseback riding… the possibilities are endless.


Seasonal & holidays

Take advantage of holidays or the seasons to stage family photos. Again, this adds character and memories into the photos you take.


large family portrait standing by a rustic fence by a road and forest one child wears a red dress

Family reunions

If everyone is gathering, why not take that time to do a family photo. As the years pass, everyone’s appearance change and grow. Family reunion photos should be updated frequently to capture the passing years.


Take a walk

Looking for a unique setting? Try taking a walk around your neighbourhood during your photo shoot or a walk in the woods. Not only will you infuse movement into your photos but you will add that needed connection of time and place.


3 siblings sitting and laughing on a beach

Show the love

How adorable to set-up staged moments to show relationships. These moments don’t have to be cheesy but should be authentic to the particular relationship. If siblings don’t always get along, try a staged situation of teasing or play fighting. Just make sure it doesn’t get out of hand before your can get the photo you are looking for.


Sibling holds newborn on lap, photograph is taken as a close-up of their feet with dark green blankets

Unique close-ups that tell a story

Family photos don’t always have to be portraits. Close-up details can show a lot about a situation that normally wouldn’t be seen. Tell a story with your close-ups by paying attention to things normally forgotten.